What we do

Universities of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) and Oldenburg (Germany), Master Dissertation by Katja Korhonen, 2018
“Daily Stressors and the Psychosocial Well-Being of Forced Migrant
Learners at the Three2Six Project – A Case Study of an Educational Intervention in Johannesburg, South Africa”

UNICEF, A Child Is A Child, 2017
“Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation”

Nomonde Ntsepo, Lost In The Middle, 2016
A report on Migrant Childrens Access to Education in Johannesburg”, commissioned by Sacred Heart College

UNICEF, A Child Is A Child, 2017
“Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation”

UNICEF, A Child Is A Child, 2017
“Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation”

Nomonde Ntsepo, Lost In The Middle, 2016
A report on Migrant Childrens Access to Education in Johannesburg”, commissioned by Sacred Heart College

Nomonde Ntsepo, Lost In The Middle, 2016
A report on Migrant Childrens Access to Education in Johannesburg”, commissioned by Sacred Heart College

UNICEF, A Child Is A Child, 2017
“Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation”

Nomonde Ntsepo, Lost In The Middle, 2016
A report on Migrant Childrens Access to Education in Johannesburg”, commissioned by Sacred Heart College

Universities of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) and Oldenburg (Germany), Master Dissertation by Katja Korhonen, 2018
“Daily Stressors and the Psychosocial Well-Being of Forced Migrant
Learners at the Three2Six Project – A Case Study of an Educational Intervention in Johannesburg, South Africa”

Three2Six poetry collection

Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa (SIHMA) report, 2016
“The Evolution of Migration Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa Emerging Themes and New Challenges”

University of Johannesburg, research article by Professor Juliet Perumal, 2013
“Pedagogy of Refugee: Education in a Time of Dispossession”

Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa (SIHMA) report, 2016
“The Evolution of Migration Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa Emerging Themes and New Challenges”

Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa (SIHMA) report, 2016
“The Evolution of Migration Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa Emerging Themes and New Challenges”

University of Johannesburg, research article by Professor Juliet Perumal, 2013
“Pedagogy of Refugee: Education in a Time of Dispossession”

University of Johannesburg, research article by Professor Juliet Perumal, 2013
“Pedagogy of Refugee: Education in a Time of Dispossession”

Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa (SIHMA) report, 2016
“The Evolution of Migration Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa Emerging Themes and New Challenges”

University of Johannesburg, research article by Professor Juliet Perumal, 2013
“Pedagogy of Refugee: Education in a Time of Dispossession”

Consortium for refugees and migrants in South Africa report, 2009
“Protecting Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants in South Africa”

Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa (SIHMA) report, 2016
“The Evolution of Migration Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa Emerging Themes and New Challenges”

University of Johannesburg, research article by Professor Juliet Perumal, 2013
“Pedagogy of Refugee: Education in a Time of Dispossession”

Consortium for refugees and migrants in South Africa report, 2009
“Protecting Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants in South Africa”

University of South Africa, Master dissertation by Razia Osman, 2009
“The Phenomenon of Xenophobia as Experienced by Immigrant Learners in Inner City Schools of Johannesburg”

International Institute of Social Studies by Innoscentia Zandile Mfeka-Ngada, Netherlands
Factors that Structure the Education of Refugee Children in South Africa”