We would like to thank all of our partners for the support that they have been showing us over the years. We receive funds from international and local donors, both once-off donations and recurring contributions, which help us finance our activities throughout the year. Our donors vary from foundations to faith-based organisations, public and private institutions, and private donors.
We are very grateful to the Harris Mattews Charitable Foundation and the Kennedy Hanly Foundation for their continued support of the project.

Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale (FMSI), Italy
Supporting the project since 2016
Established by the Congregation of the Marist Brothers of the Schools in 2007, the Marist Foundation for International Solidarity works in the world for the rights of children and adolescents to ensure them better living conditions. They work with partners such as Three2Six to develop the potential of children through quality education and solidarity projects.

The Breadsticks Foundation, United Kingdom
Supporting the project since 2016
The Breadsticks Foundation helps enable the provision of quality healthcare and education to marginalised and vulnerable people. They do this by providing grants to charities that attempt to remove barriers to well-being and give support to those trying to achieve their potential. The trustees have a particular interest in enabling good mental health and supporting young people.

Caring Women's Forum, South Africa
Supporting the project since 2016
The Caring Women’s Forum is a Non Profit Organization that was founded by like minded individuals in 1995.
The organisation has grown over the years as a strong foundation that assists individuals, families and other organisations, both locally and internationally, to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy.

HCI Foundation, South Africa
Supporting the project since 2015
HCI Foundation is the corporate social investment arm of HCI. Their primary concern is the upliftment of all people in South Africa so that all may share in an improved quality of life.
They aim to bring about change and make a sustainable impact in underdeveloped and underprivileged communities through interactive partnerships with other stakeholders.

Investec Wealth & Investment, South Africa
Supporting the project since 2020
A private client trust administered by Investec Wealth & Investment International.
Jell Foundation, South Africa
Supporting the project since 2016
The OPPENHEIMER family is deeply committed to education in South Africa and believes that every South African should have access to high standards of education at all levels.

Johannesburg Stock Exchange, South Africa
Supporting the project since 2015
The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (“JSE”) offers secure, efficient primary and secondary capital markets across a diverse range of securities, supported by their post-trade and regulatory services.

Misean Cara, Ireland
Supporting the project since 2015
Misean Cara is an international and Irish faith-based missionary movement working with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable communities in developing countries.
They are working to realise their human rights through delivery of basic services in the areas of education, health, livelihoods and income generation, as well as advocacy, networking and community mobilisation. Their movement is made up of 89 member organisations working in over 50 countries.

Terre des hommes Deutschland
Supporting the project since 2018
In South Africa, TDH supports projects that aim to empower children and youth from previously disadvantaged areas mainly through education-related support and activities that build their coping mechanisms in a challenging environment.
Partnerships with local NGOs include Early Childhood Development, literacy and after-school programmes.
We would also like to thank all our partner organisations that help us attend to the needs of our families which are beyond our educational focus. This includes the Johannesburg Parent and Child Counselling Centre (JPCCC), Judo for Peace, Lawyers for Human Rights, the Outreach Foundation, the Smile Foundation, the Turquoise Harmony Institute, and all the individuals who make physical donations to the project.