Three2Six newsletter - March 2023

Assembly 3
“If you are doing something and that thing is not working, don’t give up. You mustn’t let your negative thoughts burn all of your positive thoughts” - Jeremie, 13

Celebrating Human Rights Day

Human Rights festival
Constitution Hill this year hosted its fifth Human Rights Festival over two days to observe South Africa’s Human Rights Day, and Three2Six was there!
Festival 5
Festival 4
The festival was a combination of human rights talks, workshops, exhibitions, film screenings, and artistic performances. The topics covered included universal dignity, quality education, access to documentation, protection, and xenophobia. About 70 civil society organisations such as Lawyers for Human Rights and Amnesty International joined the event and showcased what they do to tackle human rights related issues while encouraging the general public to help make a change.
Festival 2
A group of our children performed a traditional dance and put on a play about xenophobia and colonialism to a keen crowd of visitors. They also recited striking poems about heritage and human rights and screened “Precious 1”. It is a clip that Three2Six learners at the time created about the journey of children fleeing their countries to come to South Africa.

Our eager team also hosted a stall where materials about the project were distributed to the public. Thank you to all who made the time to talk to us and find out more about our work and connect with us!
The festival was very well attended with over 2000 visitors. We were thrilled to be part of such an inspiring event and loved meeting like-minded organisations and people who are contributing positively to our communities.
Festival 1
Human Rights assembly
Assembly 11
De La Salle Holy Cross College’s high school, a private Catholic school in Johannesburg, welcomed our team and children this month for a powerful Human Rights assembly in the bright outdoors. During the event, a small group of our students presented their production about xenophobia, which was directed by our talented volunteer, Angel. Additionally, they recited the beautiful poems they wrote about heritage and human rights.
Before the assembly, our team had shared its booklet on the experiences of refugee children with the school, and a group of their students read poems from it on the day. The stories shared were an eye-opener for many learners who were not aware of the living conditions of migrants and refugees in South Africa.
Assembly 5
Assembly 7
We want to give a huge shout-out to our children for putting on such a terrific show in front of a large audience of hundreds. And a huge thank you to our team and to the teachers, staff and learners from the school for making this an impactful event.

Health screenings

HS 2
HS 4
The well-being of our children is a priority, and with this in mind, we organised a week of health screenings with the Catholic Institute of Education (CIE). Nurses and student nurses from the Department of Nursing at the University of the Witwatersrand screened the children for any hearing, dental, vision, respiratory and general medical issues. The health checks were offered to both the Three2Six and host school learners and benefitted over 220 children over five days. Referrals to the relevant health specialists will be finalised for the children to receive the medical care they require.
HS 5
HS 8

Visitors to the project

At the beginning of the month, our team had the pleasure of welcoming two visitors from Italy who work at the Marist Foundation for International Solidarity (FMSI). The Foundation has been supporting the project for years, helping to fund activities. We showcased the project’s new campus and the visitors joined in the morning devotion and assembly. They met with our project team to do some planning, and also met with our parents, children, and teachers to better grasp the gap that Three2Six fills and to understand the care and relief that it provides them. They also joined our alumni day (see article below).
Fr Eduardo
Father Eduardo, a former chaplain volunteer at our former Holy Family College campus, has been showing love to our students at their new host school by attending mass whenever he is available. It is heart-warming to see the friends of Three2Six follow us wherever we go.

Tea with the school principal

Tea 3
Before the school holidays, the primary school principal at our host school invited the best-achieving learners to tea on the school grounds to celebrate their promising academic performance during the first term. Each child received a party pack with treats, and a certificate to encourage them to keep up the good work. Well done to all of them!
Tea 2
Tea 1

Contributing to the school community

Scholar patrol
A group of our learners take the safety of their peers very seriously. This committed group actively participates in the scholar patrol at school every week. They control and stop traffic to safeguard children as they cross the street to attend mass.
Patrol 2
Patrol 1
Student leadership

A number of our Grade 7 learners were chosen as student leaders and we are exceptionally proud of them. They supervise their peers in the morning and during break time and ensure the safety of their fellow learners and staff at school. Their other duties include reporting to the relevant staff member if there are any cases of bullying or misconduct. This role helps develop their leadership skills, sense of responsibility, and instils a sense of belonging in their new host school.

Presentation to teachers

Three2Six is now hosted at a different local school and it is important to ensure the development and growth of this relationship by engaging regularly to support the integration between these two communities.
Presentation 1
Our director and advocacy officer met with the teaching staff at Dominican Convent to further discuss the Three2Six model and address the educational gap for refugees and migrants in South Africa as it is this gap that prompted the creation of the project.
The presentation also looked at the socio-economic context of the Three2Six families and the challenges they as refugees face daily, especially concerning accessing education. A question-and-answer session with the teachers followed.
Presentation 2
This presentation equipped them with the knowledge to better support our children in their learning experience and their path to success. More engagements are sure to follow.


Shireen Sacks, a teacher at our new host school, ran the Jerusalem Marathon in aid of Three2Six. She took up this brave challenge and chose to use the opportunity to raise funds for the project. Well done to Shireen on completing the race, we are very impressed with what she has achieved and are grateful for her kindness.

The marathon may be over, but the fundraising campaign continues. You can donate towards refugee education in only a few clicks, from anywhere in the world, in any currency. Donate here.

Alumni day

Our alumni day this month was extra special as we had visitors from Italy who spent the day with us. Our alumni showed up in numbers, we had close to 20 attendees who came ready to tackle their academic tasks and participate in the fun activities planned by the facilitators.
Alumni 1
We had help from Angel, a Sacred Heart College (SHC) alumnus and Three2Six volunteer, and from Keith, also a SHC alumnus, past Three2Six volunteer and current educator. He assisted with Maths and Science, while Exauce, a Three2Six alumnus and volunteer, taught some art concepts. He is well known for his captivating artworks depicting various themes faced by marginalized people. Sarah, a part-time Three2Six volunteer who has in the past involved the Three2Six pupils in her Master's Degree Research, was also there to assist.
Alumni 3
Alumni 4
It started with an energy-filled game of 30 Seconds led by Sarah, where the pupils had to act out the words on their cards, it was a hilariously intense game as the alumni took it quite seriously. Close to two hours were then spent helping the alumni with their academic work. The approach was to explain the work and let the learners solve the problems by themselves. The older alumni showed outstanding leadership and maturity by assisting the younger alumni with reading and understanding their schoolwork.
Alumni 2
Our FMSI visitors spoke to a few alumni about their experiences in the project and how Three2Six had subsequently impacted their lives and education, and the alumni had heart-warming responses. The session ended with a game of the infamous "ninja", which the alumni love. They were given delicious lunch packs which were prepared by Pam Paton-Mills and Nyasha Bowora, two SHC staff members who are heavily involved in the organisation of these special days.
Our early 2023 highlight video is out! You can watch it here. Like it and subscribe to our channel to watch all our upcoming videos and our past ones!
Highlight video
Each donation counts and helps us make a valuable change in the lives of our learners.
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